Making an MCPE server with Aternos Step 2: Building Beginner Mine

Our next step now that we have our basic settings and mods will be to make our mines where people will be able to get resources they can sell for money. Our first mine which I will be calling the beginner mine

This mine will have basic resources like coal, iron, and gold as well as some cobblestone. This mine will be pretty basic and it will be accessible for everyone and free. Although the resources it has will nto be worth that much as they are low tier.

After we finish the outside quartz ring I am making I will begin to clear out the inside. Unfortunately I do not have any pictures of the build as it is on mobile and not my computer

I am building the out side out of quartz and the inside will be full of resources and the very bottom layer will be made out of bedrock. It is also important to incorporate lighting into your mine otherwise it will be difficult for people to see while they are mining. but when I am finished my mine will hopefully look something like this.

Andthen once that is done I will fill it in with layers of resources from the bottom up for example: the bottom layer will be gold/coal blocks and then the layers above that will be iron and gold and coal and they get less valuable the higher up you go but there will be some occasional rare resources near the top but there will be a much higher concentration of them at the bottom of the mine as that is how the resources would have spawned in a real MCPE mineshaft.

After we have filled in the mine we will ahve to set up a slapper ( An NPC shop basically) that will buy our resources that we mine and give us money in exchange.

The way things will be priced are as follows: Coal is 10$, Iron is 50$, gold is 75$, Redstone is 85$, Lapiz is 100$, Diamond is 200$, Emerald is 250$, coal blocks are 200$, Iron blocks are 300$, Gold blocks are 400$, Redstone blocks are 450$, Lapiz blocks are 500$, Diamond blocks are 1000$, Emerald blocks are 1250$, and Obsidian is 5000$ because it can only be found in the PVP Mine where and there as the name suggests PVP is enabled and if you die you lose everything you have in your inventory and all of your levels.

Also on my server I will have a spawn pvp area where you can practice your pvp without losing your gear (It will lose durability and it can break so dont just ignore your armor and weapon durability) But then there will also be a warzone and the PVP mine where you will lose your gear and no one is held responsible for your gear except for you so ifyou lose it there it is entirely your fault.

thank you all for reading this blog and I hope you learned some things and enjoyed it check out my YT channel @Drago Gaming link: