Essential Scratch Terminology

For any new coder learning the terminology for coding on scratch is crucial. In this article, I’ll be explaining what various aspects of a game on Scratch are. These will include: Sprites, costumes, stages, and command blocks.

Allow me to start by explaining what a sprite is. A sprite is any character or object in a game that moves or does any actions whatsoever. They are important because no game can be made without sprites. Sprites can be drawn or uploaded. Scratch has a costume creator which allows you to draw your own sprites. Uploaded sprites can come from any google image (they must be downloaded to the computer and then uploaded on Scratch).

Another important aspect of Scratch are costumes. The appearance of a sprite is called a costume. Costumes give sprites their shape, form, and color. Costumes have an added benefit of making the game visually appeasing. Costumes can be anything drawn or uploaded from your computer. Lastly, costumes can be replaced and there can be multiple costumes on a single sprite.

Stages, also known as backdrops, are the background for a game. They can be customized like costumes and can be any shape, form, or color. Stages can also be drawn and uploaded from your computer just like sprites. The reason why stages are important is because they are the first thing that catches the eye of the player. Oftentimes, this first impression can determine whether or not someone will play your game. Stages can also set the mood for your game and can be made to move for a more immersing experience.

The final Scratch terminology that will be covered are command blocks. Command blocks are color coded blocks that dictate how the game plays. They control everything from a sprite’s movement, emotes, and costume changes to stage changes and game events such as win or loss cases (the requirement that must be met to win or lose a game).

With the knowledge/understanding of the main terminology behind Scratch, anyone can make an amazing game.